Avondale Club Rack System (CRS)

I am Jim Miller, creator of the CRS

I have had many injuries as a result of living a life at full throttle. Both biceps tendons are separated on my arms, 4 plates, 16 screws 3 cages separating 4 vertebrae in my neck, 2 plates and 4 screws in the lower back, two broken legs, and one broken arm.

You might say I’ve been rode hard and put away wet. I may have a few more life acquired problems, than most people that are 75 years old. The result of these upper body surgeries has left me very weak in the arms, as a result, I detest pulling a golf club vertically from a golf bag, which by the way is a concept that is over 125 years old. Time for a paradigm shift! CRS / The Club Rack System

In the Summer of 2018

Research Begins...

Creativity & innovation

In July of 2018 I began to research how one might remove a club from a bag in a horizontal fashion. There was nothing available on the market. By February of 2019 I had my first prototype.


The purpose of the CRS is to provide a club carrying system that allows for lateral removal of the clubs, with very little effort and no vertical extension of the arm or shoulder complex. It can be thought of as a mobility aide.

Baby Boomers

The whole concept is centered around the Baby Boomers. We are old, have strength and mobility issues as a result of previous surgeries, injuries and accidents. Many of these Boomers play golf every day, it is their retirement lifestyle. They live in golf communities and have their own carts.

Problem Solved

This club carrying system is ergonomic, easy to use, provides for immediate inventory of all clubs, is neat, organized, quiet, and exhibits good looks.

Your questions answered

Common questions

The concept or purpose of the ACRS is to allow for lateral removal of golf clubs from the rack rather than vertical removal from a traditional bag

There are a lot of Boomers who have accumulated accidents, injuries and surgeries that have left them with upper body weakness and loss of mobility. Removal of a club in the vertical direction becomes a challenge for those people. Lateral removal is much easier and quicker. If you shoot a 90, which is good for a typical Boomer, you would have to elevate your shoulder complex 180 times in a round of golf. That is tiring. One could think of the ACRS as a mobility aide.
First used in the early 1900’s, The golf bag is 123 years old. Many changes and additions have been made but it remains a BAG and vertical removal is still required.

Organization is a key feature of the ACRS. Each club has a place and is returned to that place every time. An empty slot means you have left a club on the course, and this can be recognized quickly. We believe that if your clubs are organized, your game will be organized. All the frustration of finding a particular club in the maze of clubs in the typical bag is eliminated. All your focus and energy can be channeled to the game and not to housekeeping.

The ACRS is purposely built for the individual who has their own personal cart. Everything you need to golf is stored in your cart. We find today that most bags end up looking like most garages. There is so much stuff in them that you can hardly carry the unit from the car to the course. Garages are so full that the car is outside. It is clutter and confusion, eliminate it. Be simple and organized. Focus on the game!
One of the coolest features about the CRS is the ability to customize it. This system can be painted, wrapped in car type wraps, upholstery, sports team decals or anything you can think of. Do it yourself and make it your own!
There are two types of clips. Hosel clips – all irons are held by these. Roller clips – all woods and rescue clubs are held by these. These clips can be placed anywhere on the rack. Simply remove one screw replace clip and screw. Simple. Total customization.

Get in Touch

For all questions please fill out the form below. If you prefer to email directly please email Jim Miller at avondalecrs1jim@gmail.com

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